We know that talking about the issue we are going to discuss today can be counterproductive for many professionals in the sector and perhaps harmful for us to comment on it, but not to criticize, We simply want to express a concern that many of our customers convey to us.
From all life it has been required in the restoration to have highly qualified or experienced staff to give a brilliant service served at table in both large and small hotels, but it gets more and more difficult to find it and that’s what some customers question us when they contact us to advise them in this aspect.
This often happens in some specific segments, such as seasonal hotels that only open certain months of the year (be they coastal, mountain or ski resorts), small hotels managed by the family that runs it, and also when the hotel is located in a specific geographical area and the mobility to move daily to work becomes complicated.
All agree on the same thing, that on many occasions when they have found the right staff it has been difficult to maintain it from year to year, because it is logical to think that all those professionals seek a job stability. The problem we are experiencing is one of total instability and uncertainty, as they have continued to undergo staff rotations in the middle of the season.
Therefore, incorporating a buffet has been the ideal solution and although it may be an investment to consider, they have been able to see that the profitability and depreciation has been fast and safe. Firstly because it takes a little less staff, since the client serves directly from the buffet and acts as a waiter himself so to speak, so in that sense the selection for each year is restricted. And secondly, since there is no such direct contact with the customer, by replacing the table service with the buffet, the level of training and experience of the staff can be less demanding.
With this solution and within a few days of shooting, our customers feel safe, motivated, more confident when experimenting with change and as they say also, they gain in tranquility.
If in addition to all this, the configuration of the buffet is functional, success is guaranteed.