The students of the Luther King College of San Miguel de Abona begin classes but will also enjoy from now on a renewed installation of buffets – self service.
The line and the concept remain the same, but it has been bet on the quality in the materials with mobile structures of solid steel decorated and granite countertops, optimal operation with refrigeration equipment and latest generation systems, integrating elements adapted to the current hygienic – sanitary standards such as screens for protection against vapour and illumination and finally, a complete change in the image from a traditional design in a/inox to a more attractive yet simple concept.
The installation is composed of a line of buffets self service of almost 13 meters long, divided into 4 modules with cold and heat. The railing trays are granite just like the counter.
Luther King College already has 3 bilingual educational centres. The first was founded in 1971 and is located in La Laguna, the San Miguel de Abona opened in 1993 and the last is located in Arafo and was inaugurated in 2015. In these years of educational experience at Luther King Centers more than 14.000 students have been trained.
We would like to thank the Luther King Center for the trust placed in King’s Buffets and we are pleased to contribute to the improvement of this type of equipment for the education sector.
We leave you some photos of the day of assembly and change (before and after).