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Since 2002 we established our first contact with the Meliá Costa del Sol with the acquisition of its first island of hexagonal desserts, this hotel has been an example for not neglecting for a moment its equipment of buffets, investing and always counting on the latest trends and new technologies to offer its customers the best quality and service of the moment.

Thus, in 2006 a great installation is made renovating all the machinery completely putting as main element our spectacular buffet of the series Design State, extending the desserts with another hexagonal island and incorporating as a novelty a great show cooking with all the integrated hot services and a refrigerated work area. They also decide to add several of our specific complements such as the stations and cars to break down as support to the service of waiters.

In 2011, with the arrival of the new decorative trends, the restaurant was renovated and expanded and since the condition of all the buffet machinery was impeccable, working to perfection and all our buffets are mobile, a restructuring and new location of the furniture, and changing only the color of the buffets with vinyl, they manage to give a more modern appearance to the dining room looking as if they were totally new.

Already in 2014, with the arrival of our novel range of buffets of the modular series and with the change of philosophy that they intend to give looking for smaller buffets, mobile, easy to move and versatile to give different services and in different rooms or different location, becomes a “pilot test” with the acquisition of one of them, in this case would be a cold buffet.With the success and approval of this buffet, for the following year in 2015 are incorporated 4 more buffets of the series ( 2 more cold, 1 hot and 1 neutral) and the dessert islands are removed, changing the concept of restoration.

By the end of 2018, 2 neutral buffets will be added.With the macro work that they did that same year on the terrace of one of the towers and after the success obtained, inaugurate in this year 2019 in June, another terrace of the same dimensions and characteristics in the other tower, But in this case, for your customers with Level category and for this occasion, as a differentiation, acquire 2 more buffets, one cold and one hot.

With this latest and recent installation, the Meliá Costa del Sol Hotel now adds 9 buffets of the Multi Service Modular Series, all of them with the same decoration.We would like to thank the Hotel Meliá Costa del Sol for the trajectory, fidelity and trust placed in King’s Buffets during these almost 18 years.Evolution of our buffets




2019 - Terraza Level Próximamente

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