In the face of the confusion and contradictory information that we receive daily about the safest way to restart the businesses in which the restoration is involved, King’s Buffets, once again, offers the most hygienic solutions, difficult to improve when our customers can offer the best and safest restaurant service to their own customers.
One of our proposals is to adapt your buffet to the circumstances, so that with your current installation we can offer in the safest way possible a service similar to that given before the state of alarm.
1.- First of all, it is a question of returning to what we used to call assisted buffet service, a system that many hotels still carry out with the so-called show cooking – hot through which, the diner chooses his dish and the cook behind serves it to him.
In the case at hand, it is a question of doing the same, only that a glass or methacrylate protective Pos should be incorporated. 1 to prevent customer access to food, and to act as a barrier to any breath that could spread the virus.
The cook who already wears his appropriate masks, gloves and Epi’s serves him his dish above the screen. Just like when we go to a bar to eat a lid, we choose the lid that is in the showcase and the waiter serves it to us above the showcase.
2.- On the other hand, and before the service, we will have disinfected perfectly all surfaces and food, either by the registered system of King’s Buffets, by means of a disinfectant diffuser installed in the Pos 2 buffet or by the methods they consider most appropriate.
3.- All that remains is for the diners to come to the buffet in an orderly way and keeping safety distances, forcing the appropriate route. We can optionally and provisionally until the end of this nightmare, incorporate a tray rack to make it easier for the diner to transport the food at once and prevent it from coming back to the buffet and thus streamline the service, or in a traditional way so that you can come so many times you want.
4.- We are absolutely convinced that following the three previous steps they will be able to give a service similar to that which they were giving to their clients before the pandemic and above all in the safest way possible, because we will all be convinced that it will always be safer for a single cook to handle the food and deliver it directly to the final consumer customer, and then not pass it on to a waiter, or several that intermingle with customers without any possibility of keeping such safety distances. In fact, the bars have already opened in an attempt to prevent the transfer of waiters. There’s one that’s even installed a robot that serves beer rods as self-service.
All this, of course, does not include the efficiency of the service and the number of waiters needed to try without succeeding in providing the service that your buffet offers in the proposed conditions.
Our desire is none other than to provide ideas, from our experience, that contribute to the search for the best possible solutions and help the professionals of the sector to make the best decisions for the good of their clients, of its employees and its own business.
Never goodbye to the buffet as it appears in some absurd news, but rather Hello to the buffet more than ever, for safety and responsibility.