Sir Lam Asian Restaurant – Design, quality and variety
Today we want to show you one of our recent installation of buffets in France. This is the Sir Lam Asian Restaurant, located in Drumettaz-Clarafond next to the Aix-Les-Bains golf course.
An ample restaurant with very high ceilings and decorated with Asian decoration but with a very modern and peculiar design. It has three large mobile buffets of the F Series, two of them are 6 meters, one cold and one hot, the third is for desserts and has 4 meters. All of them have a special width because they are double GN 1/1 capacity, so that the variety in the food exhibition is assured, and depending on the size of the container they can present between 35 and 55 different dishes in each of the buffets .
We would like to thank once again Mr. Vincent Soeur for the confidence placed in King’s Buffets with this second restaurant and betting on our new designs. The first was installed almost three years ago in Meythet and is the Restaurant Les Comptoirs D’Asie, which also has 3 buffets but of the Z series.
We leave you with some photos of the two restaurants.